Information Systems Education Journal

Volume 4 - 2006 - Table of Contents

   4(1)    Creating an Outcomes Assessment Instrument that Incorporates Information Technology Dimensions. Wolk
   4(2)    Utilization of Robotics in Higher Education. Drew, Esposito, and Perakslis
   4(3)    Study Of Course Management Software Features, A. Koong and Liu
   4(4)    Design and Implementation of an Information Security Model for E-Business. Alijani, Christy, Craft, Mok, and Welsh
   4(5)   Integrating Ethics into the Curriculum: A Case Study on Developing an Ethics Colloquium. Jensen, Christianson, Larson, et al
   4(6)    Defining the Essential Skill and Functional Areas of Study in Information Technology as Measured by a Survey of Field Professionals. Caputo, Kovacs, and Turchek
   4(7)    FD-EXPLORER: A Pedagogical and Design Tool for Functional Dependency Exploration. Scher and Qiu
   4(8)   Redesign of Introduction to Computers Course. Mackin, Johnson, and Paranto
   4(9)    Case Study in Optimizing Computer Laboratory Resources: The High-Speed Backup and Restoration (HiSBaR) System for Computer Lab Workstations, A. Sweeney

Guide for Establishing an Advisory Board for an Information Systems Department: Benefits and Lessons Learned, A. Janicki
   4(11)    Assessment Loop for the MIS Program at Central Connecticut State University: A Practice of Learning, Reflection and Sharing. Petkova and Jarmoszko
   4(12)    New Tool in IS Management: Geographic Information Systems, A. Boasson, Boasson, and Tastle
   4(13)    Implementation of a Basic Computer Skills Assessment Mechanism for Incoming Freshmen. Tesch, Murphy, and Crable
   4(14)    Assessing the Learning Outcomes of a Computer Information Systems Program. Abraham
   4(15)    Weblogs and Student-Centered Learning: Personal Experiences in MBA Teaching. Forster and Tam
   4(16)    Post-Implementation Review of an Introduction of WebCT. Michele, Petkov, and Kleine
   4(17)    Is Database Curriculum Information Systems or Information Technology: An Accreditation Dilemma. Nicolai
   4(18)    Development of a User-Friendly Mobile Commerce Framework for Air Travel Agencies. Chun and Wei
   4(19)   Developing Tomorrow's Chief Technology Officers. Flynn

Moving Past Gantt and PERT - Reinforcing Metrics as a Management Tool for CIS Students. McAleer and Szakas
   4(21)    IS 2002 and Accreditation: Describing the IS Core Areas in Terms of the Model Curriculum. Landry, Pardue, Reynolds, and Longenecker
   4(22)    Comparative Analysis of Program Curriculum in Selected Distance Education Information Systems Programs, A. Cervone
   4(23)   Systems Development Group Project: A Real-World Experience. Scott
   4(24)    Is it Possible to Assess Information Systems Skills using a Multiple-Choice Exam? Paranto and Shillington
   4(25)   Incorporating ERP into MIS Curriculum: Some Insights. Surendran, Somarajan, and Holsing
   4(26)    Role of Hybrid Learning Nets in Executive Management Education, The. Hall and Dudley
   4(27)    Wearing Software Hats: Teaching Introductory Technology through Software Interactions. Frydenberg
   4(28)   Running Legacy COBOL Programs by Proxy with COBOL.NET. Haney
   4(29)    Are High School Students Avoiding the Information Technology Profession Because of the Masculine Stereotype? Cory, Parzinger, and Reeves

Fundamentals of Information Systems Alternatives. VanLengen and Haney
   4(31)   Nine Principles for Designing a Study Program. Cronholm
   4(32)    Automating the Development of Data Access Layer. Dollinger, Goulet, and Gibbs
   4(33)    Web-Assisted Graduate Course in Cyber and Professional Ethics, A. Molluzzo
   4(34)    Study of Data Mining and Information Ethics in Information Systems Curricula, A. Lawler and Molluzzo
   4(35)    Declining CIS Enrollment: An Examination of Pre-College Factors. Lomerson and Pollacia
   4(36)    Solution to Mixed-type Comparisons in C# .NET, A. Dollinger
   4(37)   Integrating Innovation, Technology, Management, and Personal Success in a Capstone eBusiness Course. Gedeon
   4(38)    Utilizing Snyder’s “Fluency With Information Technology” In An Undergraduate “Introduction To Information Systems” Class. Waldman and Ulema
   4(39)    Role of Assessment in Accreditation: A Case Study for an MIS Department, The. Stemler and Chamblin

Student Reactions to Online Course Delivery – a Contrast Between Fulltime and Part-time Students. Grant, Prescod, and Ho
   4(41)    IT Innovations in IT Industries: Does IT Pay Off? Boasson and Boasson
   4(42)    Stock Market Valuation of IT Innovations: Evidence from the Investment Banking Industry, The. Boasson and Boasson
   4(43)    Model Driven Architecture: A Research Review for Information Systems Educators Teaching Software Development. Conn and Forresterx
   4(44)   Critical Evaluation Database Textbooks, Curriculum and Educational Outcomes, A. Morien
   4(45)    Use of Open Source Software in Education, The. Sharp and Huett
   4(46)   Importance of Learner-Learner Interaction in Distance Education. Sharp and Huett
   4(47)    DAMA Foundation Model Curriculum Framework for Post Secondary Education Programs in Data Resource Management. Henderson, Cupoli, Smith, et al
   4(48)    Vendor/Industry Certifications and a College Degree: A Proposed Concentration for Network Infrastructure. White
   4(49)   Information Warfare. Himes and Joseph

Establishing a Remote Lab for Teaching Enterprise Application Development. Lee and Mehta
   4(51)    Business School Information Systems Development Process Review, A. Brown and Cooke
   4(52)    Business Geographic Information Systems - A Course in Business Geomapping. Reames
   4(53)    Agile Computing Curricula. Duben, Naugler, and Surendran
   4(54)    Teaching Object-Oriented Systems Analysis and Design with UML. Stumpf and Teague
   4(55)    Using Decision Tree Analysis to Develop an Expert System. Chrysler
   4(56)    Profitability of Outsourcing Information Technology. Kocakülâh, Holzmeyer, and Albin
   4(57)    Issues in Measuring Time to Teach Information Systems Online. Hislop and Ellis
   4(58)   Measuring Innovation: A Comprehensive Audit. Salé and Wolk
   4(59)    Implementing Industry Certification in an IS curriculum: An Australian Experience. Jovanovic, Bentley, Stein, and Nikakis

Tips for Improving Writing in IS/IT Courses. Owen and Young
   4(61)   Simulated Assembler-Objects and a Glass Bottom Computer (a Polytechnic Approach) Verbrugge
   4(62)    Using a “Real” Systems Development Project to Enrich a Systems Analysis and Design Course. Helwig
   4(63)    Designing a Software Application to Implement the Provisions of a New Tax Regulation: A Collaborative Project for CIS and Taxation Students. Helwig, Harrington, and Drougas
   4(64)    Robust Software Development: A Technical Approach Using the Rational Unified Process® Roggio
   4(65)    Why Do I Have to Take Calculus? Gerhardt, Vogel, and Wu
   4(66)    Transition from Industry to Academia: Reflections of Three New Faculty Members. Jensen, Rabe, Runde, and Wee
   4(67)   Business of Information Technology: An Integrated, Multi-disciplinary Approach to a Capstone Experience for Management Information Sciences Students, The. Morgan and Aitken
   4(68)    Whither IS? Issues and Problems in Classifying CC2005 Programs Using CIP Codes. Leidig, Nezlek, and Reynolds
   4(69)    Center for Computing Education Research (CCER): A Nexus for IS Institutional and Individual Assessment, The. McKell, Reynolds, Longenecker, et al

Teaching Systems Analysis and Design as a Writing-Intensive Course. Pomykalski
   4(71)    Study of Software Methodology Analysis:“Great Taste or Less Filling”, A. Brewer, Dittman, and Ghatge
   4(72)    Extending the Consensus Measure: Analyzing Ordinal Data With Respect to Extrema. Tastle and Tastle
   4(73)    Using the IS Model Curriculum and CCER Exit Assessment Tools for Course-level Assessment. Landry, Pardue, Longenecker
   4(74)    Global Media: Incorporating Videocams and Blogs in a Global IS Management Class. Beise
   4(75)   Using Enron to Teach the Value of Integration. Pomykalski
   4(76)    Comparing Current IS Curricula to the IS 2002 Model Curriculum. Williams and Pomykalski
   4(77)    Is this Course Right for You? Using Self-Tests for Student Placement. Dettori, Steinbach, and Kalin
   4(78)   Low-Cost Collaborative Tools for Virtual Communication. Dwyer and Malani
   4(79)    Information Technology Model Curriculum, The. Lawson, Reichgelt, Lunt, et al.

Group Projects in In-Ground Undergraduate and On-Line Graduate Degree Programs: Guidelines for Success. Kelm and Miles
   4(81)    Metaphors, Polymorphism, Domain Analysis, and Reuse: Teaching Modeling in the Object-Oriented Paradigm. Waguespack
   4(82)    Security-Related Research and Projects in Computing Promote Student Awareness of Security Issues. Tappert and Cha
   4(83)    Privacy Primer: An Ethical Review in an Information Systems and Technology Curriculum. Peslak
   4(84)    Teaching Systems Analysis and Design: Bringing the Real World into the Classroom. Chen
   4(85)    Skills Learnt During a Systems Development Course: Graduate Perceptions of Skills Transfer and Industry Alignment. Seymour, Scott, Malamoglou, et al
   4(86)    Jumping off the Distance Learning Bandwagon: Adding Learning Theory into the Strategy. Janicki and Burns
   4(87)    Using Alice in a Computer Science Survey Course. Courte, Howard, and Bishop-Clark
   4(88)    Is There a Role for Open Source Software in Systems Analysis? Conlon and Hulick
   4(89)    Alternative Testing Strategy for Advanced Programming Courses, An. Ceccucci

What Do Students Know When They Enter College? Ceccucci
   4(91)    Designing Geographic Information System Courses in the IS Curriculum. Wu and Kohun
   4(92)    Coping with Offshore Outsourcing and Enhancing Student Retention. Rajaravivarma and Surendran
   4(93)   Designing an MIS Major for a Liberal Arts College. Howatt and Jensen
   4(94)    Successful Course Transition from Traditional Delivery Methods to the Online Format. Ury and Ury
   4(95)   Don’t Forget the Manager: Management of IT Professionals by IT Professionals for IT Professionals. McAleer and Szakas
   4(96)   Using the Software Development Life Cycle as a Curriculum Design Tool in the Development of a "Companion Course" for Beginning Programmers. Harkins
   4(97)    Suggested Characteristics of User Interfaces in Support of IS 2002 Curriculum Model Implementation and Program Accreditation. Presley, Longenecker, Pardue, and Landry
   4(98)    Student Performance Online vs Onground: A Statistical Analysis of IS Courses. Ury, McDonald, McDonald, and Dorn
   4(99)    Relationship between Lab Attendance and Academic Performance in a Computer Information Systems Course, The. Barrington and Johnson

Problem-based Service Learning in a 200-level Systems Analysis and Design Course. Bishop-Clark
   4(101)    HIPAA Certification and Training Guidelines for Healthcare Organizations: An IS 2002 Model Curriculum Implementation. Sweatt, Longenecker, and Sweeney
   4(102)   Teaching a Collaborative Model of IS Development through Problem-based Learning. Vat
   4(103)   Student Experience of Using Agile Development Methods in Industrial Experience Projects. Morien
   4(104)   Teaching an Introductory Programming Course for Non-Majors using Python. Rufinus and Kortsarts
   4(105)   Information Systems Curriculum Revision in a Hostile Environment: Declining Interest, Threats from Offshore, and Proprietary Certification. McKenzie
   4(106)   Effective Use of Web-based Training and Assessment in a Computer Literacy Course, The. O'Neil
   4(107)    Soft System Approach to the Design of Online Case Method Instruction, A. Huynh and Orwig
   4(108)    Designing an Electronic Commerce Course: An Effort to Balance between Theory and Practice. Changchit, Cutshall, and Gonsalves
   4(109)   Student Reflection and Reading Reports in Service Learning: An Analysis of a Service Learning Course at Pace University, New York. Taylor

Web Site Usability in Higher Education. Christoun, Aubin, Hannon, and Wolk
   4(111)    Case for Personal Knowledge Management in the Information Systems Curriculum, A. Burns and Janicki
   4(112)   How Valuable is Planned Data Redundancy in Maintaining the Integrity of an Information System through its Database. Ugboma
   4(113)   Practical Aspects of Promoting Research in a Graduate Course. Seyed-Abbassi
   4(114)   Web-based Automatic Program Grader, A. Colton, Fife, and Thompson