Volume 4
Volume 4, Number 23 |
April 14, 2006 |
Elsje Scott
Abstract: The Group Systems Development Project course of the Information Systems major at the University of Cape Town is a practical course designed to integrate the body of knowledge obtained in other undergraduate theoretical courses. The main objective of the course is to give students a real world experience of the diverse and complex nature of the Information Systems profession and provide them with adequate skills for the global marketplace. This paper describes the objectives as well as the deliverables and the administration of the course. The basic course content is outlined, and the various stakeholders and their roles are identified. Some discussion is provided regarding the comprehensive set of assessment strategies that has been implemented as well as a number of critical issues that have emerged. Finally, the need for ongoing research in this area is addressed.
Keywords: systems development group project, capstone course, skills, problem-solving, object-oriented paradigm
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Recommended Citation: Scott (2006). Systems Development Group Project: A Real-World Experience. Information Systems Education Journal, 4 (23). http://isedj.org/4/23/. ISSN: 1545-679X. (Earlier version appears in The Proceedings of ISECON 2004: §4134. ISSN: 1542-7382.)