Volume 4
Volume 4, Number 33 |
July 14, 2006 |
John C. Molluzzo
Abstract: The importance of an ethics component in the undergraduate education of computing professionals is well established. However, the inclusion of computer and professional ethics in a graduate IS curriculum has not been so well defined. This paper describes an elective graduate course in computer and professional ethics developed by the author during 2004 and taught for the first time in the Spring 2005. The course was taught in a hybrid format consisting of some face-to-face class time and an online component. The author believes that some ethical decisions made by computing professionals will be made by a group aided by communication technology. To simulate this environment, students collaborated on several cases using the group communication facilities in Blackboard (an online courseware tool) rather than meeting face-to-face to discuss the issues. This paper discusses the course structure, grading policy, cases, and several study aids developed for the course. In addition, the results of an online survey are discussed. Finally, we consider some possible changes to the course and further research.
Keywords: ethics, cyberethics, curriculum, online education, case study, rubric
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Recommended Citation: Molluzzo (2006). A Web-Assisted Graduate Course in Cyber and Professional Ethics. Information Systems Education Journal, 4 (33). http://isedj.org/4/33/. ISSN: 1545-679X. (A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of ISECON 2005: §3543. ISSN: 1542-7382.)