Volume 4
Volume 4, Number 14 |
March 27, 2006 |
Samuel Abraham
Abstract: In recent years greater attention has been paid to develop learning outcomes for academic programs and then to develop methods to assess these learning outcomes. Generally speaking, there are two kinds of outcomes: course outcomes and program outcomes. Assessments of these learning outcomes in institutions of higher education are mandated by the accrediting organizations. This paper describes a methodology used by a Computer Information Systems program in a small undergraduate institution to develop its learning outcomes, to collect assessment data, and to evaluate or assess its course and program outcomes.
Keywords: course outcomes, learning outcomes, learning outcome assessments, measurement, outcome-based education, program outcomes, program metrics
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Recommended Citation: Abraham (2006). Assessing the Learning Outcomes of a Computer Information Systems Program. Information Systems Education Journal, 4 (14). http://isedj.org/4/14/. ISSN: 1545-679X. (A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of ISECON 2004: §2213. ISSN: 1542-7382.)