8(1) | Critical Thinking Measurement in ICT | Shannon, Schneider, and Bennett
8(2) | Co-“Lab”oration: A New Paradigm for Building a Management Information Systems Course | Breimer, Cotler, and Yoder
8(3) | Relational Model Distilled to Support Data Modeling in IS 2002 | Waguespack
8(4) |
Factors That Influence Transfer of Learning from the Online Environment |
| Scaling Large-size Undergraduate Classes at a Top Research University via eLearning Strategies: A Facilitated Model of Instruction using a Web 2.0 Paradigm | Conn, Boyer, Hu, and Wilkinson
8(6) | Educating Information Systems Students on Business Process Management (BPM) through Digital Gaming Metaphors of Virtual Reality | Lawler and Joseph
8(7) | Value Chain Approach for Attracting, Educating, and Transitioning Students to the IT Profession | Beard, Schwieger, and Surendran
8(8) | Integrating Soft Skill Competencies Through Project-based Learning Across the Information Systems Curriculum | Woodward, Sendall, and Ceccucci
8(9) | Integrating Enterprise Systems Concepts in the B-School — A Regional University Perspective | Hunt, Regan, Everett, Green, Hunt, and Becka
| From Computer Literacy to Web 2.0 Literacy: Teaching and Learning Information Technology Concepts Using Web 2.0 Tools | Frydenberg and Press
8(11) | Analysis of an Anti-Phishing Lab Activity | Werner and Courte
8(12) | Factors Affecting Women’s Decisions to Pursue an IS Degree: A Case Study | Serapiglia and Lenox |
8(13) | Analysis of Career Tracks in the Design of IS Curricula in the U.S. | Hwang and Soe
8(14) | Developing the Cyber Defenders of Tomorrow With Regional Collegiate Cyber Defense Competitions (CCDC) | Carlin, Manson, and Zhu
| Contributions of Traditional Web 1.0 Tools e.g. Email and Web 2.0 Tools e.g. Weblog Towards Knowledge Management | Dehinbo
8(16) | Course Evaluation in Sweden - When, How, What and Why | Cronholm
8(17) | Best Practices: A Cure for the New Prep Headache? | Burns and Steinbach
8(18) | IS Project Management Course Project | Frank
8(19) | Myth Busting: Using Data Mining to Refute Link between Transfer Students and Retention Risk | McAleer and Szakas
| Measuring Faculty Instructional Performance | Tastle
8(21) | XBRL: Beyond Basic XML | VanLengen
8(22) | Business Students' Learning with Online Discussion Forums: The Case of a Virtual Classroom Community | Zhu
8(23) | Generalized Thurstonian Paired Comparison Multicriteria Heuristic Model for Peer Evaluation of Individual Performance on IS Team Projects | Scher
8(24) | Building an Integrated Student Information System in a K-12 School System | Steenkamp and Basal
| Database Design and Development Case: NanoTEK Networks | Ballenger
8(26) | Identifying Influencers in High School Student ICT Career Choice | Babin, Grant, and Sawal
8(27) | Interdisciplinary Introductory Course in Bioinformatics | Kortsarts, Morris, and Utell
8(28) | Got Web 2.0? A Review of Web 2.0 Tools for the Information Systems Curriculum | Sendall, Ceccucci, and Peslak
8(29) | Enhancing the Value of the Capstone Experience Course |
Schwieger and Surendran |
| Developing Oral and Written Communication Skills in Undergraduate Computer Science and Information Systems Curriculum | Kortsarts, Fischbach, et al
8(31) | Doctoral Program of Management in Information Technology at Six | Steenkamp
8(32) | Determining the Effectiveness of Various Delivery Methods in an Information Technology/Information Systems Curriculum | Davis, Kovacs, Scarpino, and Turchek
8(33) | Piltdown Man or Inconvenient Truth? A Two-year Study of Student Perceptions about Computing | Battig
8(34) | New Look at Security Education: YouTube as YouTool | Werner and Frank
| Creating e-Commerce Start-ups with Information Systems Students: Lessons Learned from New Venture Successes and Failures | Abrahams
8(36) | Modular Approach to Delivering an Introductory MIS Course | Braun, Crable, and Sena
8(37) | Information Systems Education: What’s missing? | Rosenthal
8(38) | Enterprise Integration: An Experiential Learning Model | Cameron and Purao
8(39) | Peer Tutoring in Programming: Lessons Learned | Gerhardt and Olan
| Increasing Active Learning and End-Client Interaction in the Systems Analysis and Design and Capstone Courses | Reinicke and Janicki
8(41) | Faculty Perceptions on the Goals and Achievements of Information Systems Executive Advisory Boards | Sena, Sena, and Crable
8(42) | Accounting for Systems Analysts in the 21st Century | Giordano, McAleer, and Szakas
8(43) | Probability Model for Belady's Anomaly, A. | McMaster, Sambasivam, and Anderson
8(44) | Alive and Kicking: Making the Case for Mainframe Education | Murphy, Sharma, Seay, and McClelland
| Challenges in Delivering Distance Education | Chawdhry
8(46) | Virtual Teams: Preparing Students for Global IT Management: An Empirical Exercise on Three Campuses in Two Countries | White, Tastle, and Semeniuta
8(47) | Emphasizing Business Analysis to Increase IS Enrollments | Kizior and Hidding
8(48) | Programming Proficiency in One Semester: Lessons Learned | Colton and Curtis
8(49) | Going From Data to Decisions: Preparing Students to Use Enterprise Systems | Kreie, Mora-Monge, and Shannon
| Tracking Women and Minorities as They Attain Degrees in Computing and Related Fields | Sorkin, Gore, Mento, and Stanton
8(51) | Student Usage of Instructional Technologies: Differences in Online Learning Styles | Ballenger and Garvis
8(52) | Exploration of the Legal and Regulatory Environment of Privacy and Security through Active Research, Guided Study, Blog Creation, and Discussion | Peslak
8(53) | Website Accessibility for Users with Visual Impairment | Smith and Lind
8(54) | Strategies for Increasing IT Enrollment: Recruiting, Retaining and Encouraging the Transfer of Women and Underrepresented Groups to Four-Year Colleges | Tupper, Leitherer, Sorkin, and Gore
| Two Screens and an Ocean: Collaborating Across Continents and Cultures with Web-based Tools. | Frydenberg and Andone
8(56) | Study of the Programming Languages Used in Information Systems and in Computer Science Curricula | Russell, Russell, Pollacia, and Tastle
8(57) | Moving Data, Moving Students: Involving Students in Learning About Internet Data Traffic. | Reinicke and Yaylacicegi
8(58) | Computer Literacy and Non-IS majors | Thomas and Blackwood
8(59) | Need, Use, and Best Practices for the Implementation of Learning Management Systems in Organizations and Higher Education Institutions | Dehinbo and Odunaike
| Cyber Forensics and Security as an ABET-CAC Accreditable Program. | Wood, Kohun, et al
8(61) | Object Oriented Approach in Systems Analysis and Design Texts: Consistency Within the IS Curriculum | Wood, Kohun, and Laverty
8(62) | Role of the Web Server in a Capstone Web Application Course | Umapathy and Wallace
8(63) | Integrated Technology Assessment: A Portfolio-based Capstone Experience | Shih, LeClair, and Varden
8(64) | Using Blackboard's Learning Suite in ABET - CAC Outcomes Assessment and Accreditation | Laverty, Wood, and Turchek
| Discovering Adjunct Communication Methods Outside the Classroom: An Exploratory Study | Serapiglia, Woratschek, and Louch
8(66) | Successful Engagement of Undergraduate Information Technology Management Students in a Compulsory Course in Ethical Issues in IT in a Large Class Environment | Grant
8(67) | IS 2002 and ABET Accreditation: Meeting the ABET Program Outcome Criteria | Landry, Daigle, Longenecker, and Pardue
8(68) | Recommendation for A Professional Focus Area in Data Management for the IS2002 Information Systems Model Curriculum | Longenecker, Yarbrough, and Feinstein
8(69) | Open Source ERP Applications: A Reality Check for Their Possible Adoption and Use in Teaching Business Process Integration | Huynh and Pinto