Volume 8
Volume 8, Number 20 |
April 30, 2010 |
William J. Tastle
Abstract: The tenure and/or promotion of faculty are frequently dependent on the analytical outcome of student end-of-semester evaluation instruments. Faculty usually use the data to make adjustments in their classes, but deans and chairs use the data to determine which faculty are performing “below” average. The statistical measure used is typically the mean. The mean is invalid for ordinal scale items (like Likert scales), but the consensus, dissent, and agreement measures offer a more intuitive view of data and eliminate the need for the incorrect and morale damaging designation of substandard performance. Successful application of these new measures can permit faculty to measure the perceptions of their students with of colleagues in other schools such that appropriate mentoring can occur.
Keywords: faculty assessment, visual analog scale, Likert scale, consensus, agreement measure, student course evaluation
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Recommended Citation: Tastle (2010). Measuring Faculty Instructional Performance. Information Systems Education Journal, 8 (20). http://isedj.org/8/20/. ISSN: 1545-679X. (A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of ISECON 2009: §1532. ISSN: 1542-7382.)