Volume 8
Volume 8, Number 11 |
April 19, 2010 |
Laurie A. Werner
Jill Courte
Abstract: Despite advances in spam detection software, anti-spam laws, and increasingly sophisticated users, the number of successful phishing scams continues to grow. In addition to monetary losses attributable to phishing, there is also a loss of confidence that stifles use of online services. Using in-class activities in an introductory computer course is one way of familiarizing students with phishing and teaching them how to recognize a phishing email in order to avoid becoming victims. This paper analyzes one activity based on an online phishing IQ test.
Keywords: phishing, information security, crimeware, lab activities, computing literacy
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Recommended Citation: Werner and Courte (2010). Analysis of an Anti-Phishing Lab Activity. Information Systems Education Journal, 8 (11). http://isedj.org/8/11/. ISSN: 1545-679X. (A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of ISECON 2008: §3532. ISSN: 1542-7382.)