Volume 8
Volume 8, Number 61 |
July 29, 2010 |
Abstract: This paper reports on a study of systems analysis textbooks in terms of topics covered and academic background of the authors. It addresses the consistency within IS curricula with respect to the content of a systems analysis and design course using the object-oriented approach. The research questions addressed were 1: Is there a consistency among Object-Oriented Systems Analysis and Design Texts. 2: If there is not consistency, are the books technology-oriented, or business process oriented? 3: Is there a relationship between the authors’ academic background and the focus of the text? It appears that the author’s background is an important consideration—as much as the title and contents—in the selection of an appropriate object oriented textbook for an object oriented systems analysis course. One focus is the application of object oriented systems analysis tools and techniques in conjunction with business process, while the technical focus is on programming technique and process.
Keywords: IS Curriculum, Object-Oriented Systems Development Life Cycle, Systems Analysis and Design, textbook selection
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Recommended Citation: Wood, Kohun, and Laverty (2010). The Object Oriented Approach in Systems Analysis and Design Texts: Consistency Within the IS Curriculum. Information Systems Education Journal, 8 (61). http://isedj.org/8/61/. ISSN: 1545-679X. (A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of ISECON 2008: §3155. ISSN: 1542-7382.)