3(1) | Weaving Experiences from Software Engineering Training in Industry into Mass University Education.
| Bleek, Lilienthal, and Schmolitzky |
3(2) | Systems Architecting of IS Support for Learning Organizations: The Scenario-Based Design Challenge in Human Activity Systems.
| Vat |
3(3) | Study Of Web Services Strategy In The Financial Services Industry, A.
| Lawler, et al |
3(4) | Use of Online Assessment Tools to Enhance Student Performance in Large Classes.
| Amoroso |
3(5) | Mobile, Agile, Versatile: The Use of Tablet PCs and Wireless Technology in Introductory Programming.
| McKeown |
3(6) | Building a Computer Program Grader.
| Colton, Fife, and Winters |
3(7) | System for Teaching MIS and MBA Students to Deploy a Scalable Database-driven Web Architecture for B2C E-Commerce, A.
| Yap and Loebbecke |
3(8) | Initial Experiences with a Capstone Approach to an Introductory IS Course (IS 2002.1)
| Schatzberg and Harris |
3(9) | Project-based Model for an Advanced Web Site Design and E-Commerce Course, A.
| Kovacs |
| Service Learning in Computer Information Systems: “Significant” Learning for Tomorrow’s Computer Professionals.
| Saulnier |
3(11) | Shift the Subject of System Analysis and Design from Construction to Acquisition.
| Wang and Wang |
3(12) | Crafting an Architect-focused MS Program in Information Technology.
| Chand |
3(13) | Pilot Studies Introducing Collaborative and Distance Learning Paradigms in a Residential Environment.
| Battig and Pangborn |
3(14) | Tools for Hybrid Instruction - Classroom and Distance Instruction in Synchronous and Asynchronous Modes.
| Sigle, Key, Critcher, and Prince |
3(15) | Operations Research and the Information Systems Curriculum.
| Pangborn |
3(16) | Do Students Receive Adequate Training in HCI Field?
| Gabriel |
3(17) | Comparative Analysis of Undergraduate Information Systems Curricula in Selected Business Schools, A.
| Ulema |
3(18) | Implementation of IS2002: BSCIS'04 - Bentley College, An.
| Waguespack |
3(19) | Teaching Soft Skills in a Systems Development Capstone Class.
| Russell, Russell, and Tastle |
| Longitudinal Study Comparing Undergraduate Student Performance in Traditional Courses to the Performance in Online Course Delivery, A.
| Ury |
3(21) | Campus-Wide Integrated Information System Implementation: A Case Study.
| Wee |
3(22) | Teaching Undergraduates IT Research in a NSF/DOE Sponsored Program.
| Winkler and Anderson |
3(23) | Teaching the Blind to Program Visually.
| Siegfried, Diakoniarakis, and Obianyo-Agu |
3(24) | Pros and Cons of Using a Comprehensive Final Case Project in a Database Management Systems Course: Marvin's Magnificent Magazine Publishing House, The.
| Lenox and Woratschek |
3(25) | Course Mentoring: Toward Achieving Consistency in the Curriculum.
| Dettori and Settle |
3(26) | Aligning IT Skills Training With Online Asynchronous Learning Multimedia Technologies.
| Hayashi, Chen, and Terase |
3(27) | Reconciling Principle and Practice in a LAN Course: A Simulation and Lab Mixed Approach.
| Li and Sambasivam |
3(28) | Before the Team Project: Cultivate a Community of Collaborators.
| LaBelle |
3(29) | Comparison of Teaching Java in a Computer Classroom / Traditional Classroom vs. Smart E-Classroom and its Effect on Critical Thinking: A Case Study.
| Thomas, Coppola, Braudy, and Thomas |
| Parallel Computing for IS Majors. | Rufinus and Kortsarts |
3(31) | SMARTVIEW - An Intelligent Expert System Tool using JAVA and JESS Framework.
| Sambasivam and Davies |
3(32) | Innovative Technologies in a Systems Integration Curriculum: XML and Microsoft Visual Studio .NET.
| Peslak |
3(33) | IS Undergraduate Course Module on Quantum Key Distribution, An.
| Frank |
3(34) | Assessing the Effectiveness of Virtual Learning in a Graduate Course in Computer Information Systems.
| Abdullat and Terry |
3(35) | Macro Approach to Relational Database Modeling, A.
| Kline and Riggle |
3(36) | IS as a Foundational Discipline for Contemporary Business.
| McKenzie |
3(37) | Lessons Learned From Online vs. Paper-based Computer Information Students' Evaluation System.
| Liegle and McDonald |
3(38) | Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Form: Using Game Development and Web Services in an Emerging Technology Course, A.
| Connolly |
3(39) | Towards a WebCenter for Pedagogical Freeware Collaborative Review and Retrieval.
| Kim, Scher, and Turoff |
| Technology Adoption in E-Commerce Education: A Case Study.
| Yan and Fang |
3(41) | Mapping the National Security Agency's Information Assurance Certification 4012 to the IS Curriculum: The Air Force Education Example.
| Elder, Strouble, and Bouvin |
3(42) | Student-Professor Research Relationship: Examining IS Employer Skills Expectations
| Braun, Tesch, and Skeldon |
3(43) | Why C# and Why .NET in The Undergraduate Information Systems Curriculum.
| Raoufi and Maniotes |
3(44) | Cyber Terrorism: A Clear and Present Danger to Civilized Society?
| Jain |
3(45) | Outsourcing? Offshore? Students Need to Know.
| Lopez |
3(46) | Object Oriented Analysis and Design: Do We Need More UML in the Classroom?
| McCarthy, White, and Grossman |