Volume 3
Volume 3, Number 18 |
August 3, 2005 |
Leslie J. Waguespack, Jr.
Abstract: IS undergraduate curricula design remains a consummate challenge for business school faculty around the world. IS 2002 guides the way by providing philosophy, focus and discussion for curriculum designers attempting to provide the best possible preparation for IS graduates who will compete in a global marketplace. This paper briefly describes the result of applying the guidance of IS 2002 to the design of an actual IS curriculum at Bentley College, Massachusetts, USA. We describe the balance we attempt to strike between breadth and depth of technical and business education goals in our BSCIS’04.
Keywords: IS curriculum, curriculum design, IS 2002 implementation, computing program in a business college
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Recommended Citation: Waguespack (2005). An Implementation of IS2002: BSCIS'04 - Bentley College. Information Systems Education Journal, 3 (18). http://isedj.org/3/18/. ISSN: 1545-679X. (A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of ISECON 2004: §3414. ISSN: 1542-7382.)