Volume 3
Volume 3, Number 40 |
August 9, 2005 |
Yonghe Yan
Xiaowen Fang
Abstract: The success of E-Commerce program depends heavily on rigorous technologies and market orientation. It is important to constantly watch and adopt new emerging technologies in E-Commerce education. This paper presents a case study of the adoption of a new technology, i.e. ASP.NET, for B.S./M.S. E-Commerce curricula at a large graduate school of a Midwest university. A phased strategy for new technology adoption is utilized to adopt the new technology. New technology adoption starts from faculty consensus on a new technology. The new technology is first introduced in advanced graduate electives. When it becomes more mature and instructors have gained sufficient experience, it is offered in a pilot course for undergraduate students. It is finally incorporated into B.S./M.S. E-Commerce curricula after the success of the pilot undergraduate course. The curriculum structure of the e-commerce programs allows us to implement this phased strategy of new technology adoption. The nature of the courses involved in the technology adoption and the key factors for the faculty to make decision on ASP.NET adoption are also addressed in the paper.
Keywords: new technology adoption, E-Commerce education, web application development, ASP.NET
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Recommended Citation: Yan and Fang (2005). Technology Adoption in E-Commerce Education: A Case Study. Information Systems Education Journal, 3 (40). http://isedj.org/3/40/. ISSN: 1545-679X. (A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of ISECON 2004: §3164. ISSN: 1542-7382.)