Information Systems Education Journal
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Student Research as a Means to Closing the Gap Between Theory and Practice in Education
Sune Dueholm Müller, University of Oslo |
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Teaching the Metaverse: Applying TPACK to a Multidisciplinary First Year Seminar Course Design
Mark Frydenberg, Bentley University David J. Yates, Bentley University Andre Noonan, Bentley University |
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Examining Factors Predicting Programming Self-Efficacy for Computer Information Systems Students
Ramadan Abdunabi, Colorado State University Ilham Hbaci, Colorado State University Teddy Nyambe, Colorado State University |
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Teaching Case The Southwest Airlines Winter Meltdown. Case studies on risk, technical debt, operations, passengers, regulators, revenue, and brand Paul D. Witman, California Lutheran University Jim Prior, California Lutheran University Tracy Nickl, California Lutheran University Scott Mackelprang, California Lutheran University |
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Leveraging ChatGPT for Higher Education Course Offerings
Lionel Mew, University of Richmond William H. Money, The Citadel |
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What’s in a name? Student preferences for cybersecurity-related major titles
Peter Draus, Robert Morris University Sushma Mishra, Robert Morris University Kevin Slonka, Saint Francis University Natalya Bromall, Robert Morris University |
ISSN#: 1545-679X
The Information Systems Education Journal (ISEDJ) is a peer reviewed journal published five to six times per year that focuses on IS education including (but not limited to) model curriculum, outcomes assessment, distance education challenges, capstone and service learning projects, security, and information system research toward educators. Accepted papers are peer reviewed to determine quality and level of contribution. This submission process is integrated with the annual ISCAP Conference (Information Systems & Computing Academic Professionals)
We are proud to report that there were 10,840 downloads of ISEDJ manuscripts from the
ERIC (Institute of Educational Science) database in the July to December 2024 period.
Starting in 2024, all manuscripts have been assigned a DOI# to make them more accessible to the academic community.