Information Systems Education Journal


V20 N3 Pages 36-43

Jun 2022

An Experiential Learning Project using Sentiment Analysis of Twitter Posts

Joel Asay
Xavier University
Cincinnati, OH USA

Elaine Crable
Xavier University
Cincinnati, OH USA

Mark Sena
Xavier University
Cincinnati, OH USA

Abstract: In this teaching case, we describe an experiential learning project that allows students to perform sentiment analysis on a set of tweets (posts made on the social media platform, Twitter) by collecting and analyzing posts that include key words selected by the students. Sentiment analysis refers to the process of identifying and categorizing opinions expressed in a piece of text. The project requires students to make edits to an R script, execute the script to save a collection of tweets that contain specific keywords, then open the file and paste the results into a macro-enabled Excel file that is provided. Students then edit the dataset to cleanse the data and write a report to interpret the findings. The assignment requires only a cursory knowledge of programming and Excel. We assign the project to students taking an introductory information systems course but the project could be suitable for courses in business analytics, marketing, social media, computer science, and other subjects.

Download this article: ISEDJ - V20 N3 Page 36.pdf

Recommended Citation: Asay, J., Crable, E., Sena, M., (2022). An Experiential Learning Project using Sentiment Analysis of Twitter Posts. Information Systems Education Journal20(3) pp 36-43. ISSN : ISSN: 1545-679X. A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of EDSIGCON 2021