Abstract: This study aims to shed light on what students like and dislike in coding bootcamps. A qualitative content analysis of student reviews for coding bootcamps was conducted, resulting in a research model and survey instrument consisting of fourteen factors that are proposed to affect coding bootcamp satisfaction. The proposed satisfaction factors include quality of instructors, value of mentors, availability of TAs, access to support staff, provision of career services, rigor of curriculum, appropriateness of pedagogy, development of peer connections, conduciveness of atmosphere, use of appropriate technology, affordability, openness of communication, quality of prep course, and level of post-bootcamp support. Each of the proposed satisfaction factors is measured with three to ten Likert-style variables. The proposed research model and survey instrument can be used by administrators and educators in coding bootcamps and traditional universities alike to better understand and ultimately improve student satisfaction in computing education. Download this article: ISEDJ - V20 N2 Page 49.pdf Recommended Citation: Lang, G., Sharp, J., (2022). Coding Bootcamp Satisfaction: A Research Model and Survey Instrument. Information Systems Education Journal20(2) pp 49-60. http://ISEDJ.org/2022-2/ ISSN : ISSN: 1545-679X. A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of EDSIGCON 2021 |