Information Systems Education Journal


V20 N2 Pages 32-37

Apr 2022

A Topical Examination of the Introduction to Information Systems Course

Kevin Slonka
University of Pittsburgh Greensburg
Greensburg, PA USA

Neelima Bhatnagar
University of Pittsburgh Greensburg
Greensburg, PA USA

Abstract: The introductory Information Systems (IS) course is a critical course at the beginning of every IS/IT major’s degree. While many textbooks exist that are focused solely on this course, they all vary in the covered topics and the depth of material. This research examined most major textbooks focused on the introductory course and, through qualitative and quantitative analysis, reached a final set of 14 themes that should be taught in this course. Implications are drawn and the groundwork for future studies are laid.

Download this article: ISEDJ - V20 N2 Page 32.pdf

Recommended Citation: Slonka, K., Bhatnagar, N., (2022). A Topical Examination of the Introduction to Information Systems Course. Information Systems Education Journal20(2) pp 32-37. ISSN : ISSN: 1545-679X. A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of EDSIGCON 2021