Abstract: As the skills and competencies needed by Information Systems (IS) undergraduates continues to grow, various IS professional societies have developed recommendations which are updated on a periodic basis. These recommendations known as ‘model curriculum’ are a guide for faculty and institutions to consider when developing or evaluating the effectiveness of their program. This research is based on the IS2010 Model Curriculum to determine their adoption rates by schools that currently offer a major or concentration in IS. Based on the evaluation of over 300 schools and using the IS2010 model as a benchmark: the key findings include that of the six recommended upper-level core courses, four had above a 50% adoption rate, while the remaining two were adopted by less than 30% of the schools surveyed. It is interesting to note that the IS2020 Model (draft) reflects the rapid change to the needs of employers and does include concepts from the software development, security and analytics in it’s core competencies. A suggestion is made that in a technology field like Information Systems, a 10 year refresh rate to the model curriculum is too long a period to wait for the IS competencies demanded employers to be updated. Download this article: ISEDJ - V20 N1 Page 47.pdf Recommended Citation: Janicki, T., Cummings, J., (2022). IS Model Curriculum: Adoption Rate of IS 2010 Model Curriculum in AACSB Schools and Impacts of the Proposed 2020 Model Curriculum. Information Systems Education Journal20(1) pp 47-56. http://ISEDJ.org/2022-1/ ISSN : ISSN: 1545-679X. A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of EDSIGCON 2021 |