Information Systems Education Journal


V19 N5 Pages 45-57

Oct 2021

Distributed Project Teams and Software Development An Introduction to the use of Git and GitHub for ASP.NET MVC Development

Thom Luce


Abstract: This paper describes changes, precipitated by the Covid-19 pandemic, to a capstone MIS class using Microsoft ASP.NET MVC for team development with live-clients. The advent of the pandemic required that the entire development effort of the class immediately transition from a largely in-class development effort with local SQL Server and Web Server Instances to one requiring all development be done in a virtual desktop interface (VDI). The VDI was the only way for students to get to both the SQL Server instance and the web server where they published their applications. Code availability, version control and joint development issues were resolved with Git and the Visual Studio interface to GitHub. This paper summarizes the development issues faced by the student teams, how they were resolved and provides a brief introduction to the use of GitHub from within the current version of Visual Studio. The paper is descriptive, and the subjective nature of the live-client project deliverables made any significant statistical analysis impossible.

Download this article: ISEDJ - V19 N5 Page 45.pdf

Recommended Citation: Luce, T., (2021). Distributed Project Teams and Software Development An Introduction to the use of Git and GitHub for ASP.NET MVC Development. Information Systems Education Journal19(5) pp 45-57. ISSN : ISSN: 1545-679X. A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of EDSIGCON 2020