Information Systems Education Journal


V18 N6 Pages 13-27

Dec 2020

eXtensible Computing Curriculum Reporting Language (XCCRL)

Jeffry Babb
West Texas A&M University
Canyon, TX USA

Jason Sharp
Tarleton State University
Stephenville, TX USA

Les Waguespack
Bentley University
Waltham, MA USA

Amjad Abdullat
West Texas A&M University
Canyon, TX USA

Kareem Dana
West Texas A&M University
Canyon, TX USA

Abstract: Just as the adoption of eXtensible Business Reporting Language has standardized the exchange, transmission, and reporting of accounting and financial data, the [redacted for review purposes] proposes eXtensible Computing Curriculum Reporting Language as a standard for the exchange, transmission, and reporting of computing curriculum information in hopes of achieving semantic comparability among the descriptions of the computing disciplines. This specificity in the extension of eXtensible Business Reporting Language to the computing disciplines in the form of eXtensible Computing Curriculum Reporting Language acknowledges the nascent and emergent nature of computing and the need to reconcile, semantically, between uses of computing terminology and concepts to achieve clarity. This paper provides a brief background on eXtensible Business Reporting Language and demonstrates how the same concept may be applied in computing curriculum reporting. This paper is related to efforts to support the CC2020 initiative of the ACM and IEEE and represents the ongoing work of the [redacted for review purpose].

Download this article: ISEDJ - V18 N6 Page 13.pdf

Recommended Citation: Babb, J., Sharp, J., Waguespack, L., Abdullat, A., Dana, K., (2020). eXtensible Computing Curriculum Reporting Language (XCCRL). Information Systems Education Journal18(6) pp 13-27. ISSN : ISSN: 1545-679X. A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of EDSIGCON 2019