Abstract: Effective collaboration in small teams is valued by employers. Group projects can be a valuable experience in academics to apply knowledge, solve problems, and develop teamwork skills. Students frequently encounter group work in academic classes but are often not taught how to facilitate effective group collaboration and left to “figure it out on their own.” Students frequently complain of group work because of bad past experiences. This study identifies the types of problems students self-report having experienced in group work. A survey and qualitative analysis was used. The study also investigates whether face-to-face and online students experience the same problems or to the same degree. Business students in a Management Information Systems course reported the challenges they experienced in a multi-week group project as they encountered the System Development Life Cycle in groups of 4-5 students (N = 120 students from three course sections). Students identified lack of communication, participation, collaboration, accountability, and interaction as the most common problems experienced. We discussed several recommendations that may help resolve communication challenges and increase effective collaboration. Download this article: ISEDJ - V18 N5 Page 75.pdf Recommended Citation: Bakir, N., Humpherys, S., Dana, K., (2020). Students’ Perceptions of Challenges and Solutions to Face-to-Face and Online Group Work. Information Systems Education Journal18(5) pp 75-88. http://ISEDJ.org/2020-5/ ISSN : ISSN: 1545-679X. A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of EDSIGCON 2019 |