Abstract: Faculty learning communities, a specialized form of communities of practice, are not new. These communities provide opportunities for learning, feedback, and collegiality. Even with all of these benefits, many faculty have never participated in a learning community, sometimes because colleges and schools have not yet established one. This paper provides the case for a Faculty Learning Community and provides some recommendations for establishing a new community. Download this article: ISEDJ - V18 N4 Page 74.pdf Recommended Citation: Gomillion, D., Becker, A., George, J., Scialdone, M., (2020). Learning How to Teach: The Case for Faculty Learning Communities. Information Systems Education Journal18(4) pp 74-79. http://ISEDJ.org/2020-4/ ISSN : ISSN: 1545-679X. A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of EDSIGCON 2019 |