Information Systems Education Journal


V18 N2 Pages 58-68

Apr 2020

A Taste of Microsoft Data Analytics in Introductory MIS Curriculum to Encourage Analytics Skills and Knowledge

Thilini Ariyachandra
Xavier University
Cincinnati, OH USA

Abstract: Big data and analytics continues to grow as the next evolution in business intelligence (BI) that organizations are using to make data driven strategic decision to successfully compete in the business world. Grappling and analyzing the ever growing volume of data has become a major challenge for organizations. Data visualization techniques are seen as the main solution to deal with this immense data growth. Both globally and locally, organizations are realizing that there is a growing need for skilled professionals who can develop and use visual data analytics for decision making. In order to satisfy demands for analytics skills in the local and global communities, there is need to attract students to analytics programs. The addition of data visual analytics curriculum to an introductory information systems course would give students an interesting hands-on experience with analytics that may prompt them to consider analytics as an option as they develop their program of study in higher education.

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Recommended Citation: Ariyachandra, T., (2020). A Taste of Microsoft Data Analytics in Introductory MIS Curriculum to Encourage Analytics Skills and Knowledge. Information Systems Education Journal18(2) pp 58-68. ISSN : ISSN: 1545-679X. A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of EDSIGCON 2019