Abstract: This paper describes a study designed to collect student perceptions of personal social media risks and their knowledge of the use of privacy and security settings in social media applications. A paper-based survey was administered to 107 students at a regional campus of a major university in western Pennsylvania, representing 10 classes and 18 different academic majors. The findings suggest that students are aware of privacy and security risks in the use of social media platforms and do value and suggest additional training in this domain. This paper explores a new concept of a maturity model for the instruction of social media risks based on different levels of sophistication from simple account settings to advanced concepts of personal brand management. Future research is suggested in validating the social media, risk awareness and countermeasure maturity model (SMRA-CMM). Download this article: ISEDJ - V18 N1 Page 48.pdf Recommended Citation: Bhatnagar, N., (2020). Student attitudes, awareness, and perceptions of personal privacy and cybersecurity in the use of social media: An initial study. Information Systems Education Journal18(1) pp 48-58. http://ISEDJ.org/2020-1/ ISSN : ISSN: 1545-679X. A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of EDSIGCON 2019 |