Information Systems Education Journal


V18 N1 Pages 40-47

Feb 2020

Evolution of an IS Capstone Class

Thom Luce
Ohio University
Athens, OH USA

Abstract: This paper reviews the evolution of a senior level, live-client project development capstone class in the Analytics and Information Systems department of an AACSB accredited College of Business. The paper traces changes in methodologies and technologies leading to the current Scrum based approach, using ASP.NET Model-View-Controller, MVC, as the development platform. The paper discusses how Scrum is used in a class that only meets three times a week for 55 minutes each time and how the ASP.NET MVC approach to development fits nicely with the Scrum approach to project management.

Download this article: ISEDJ - V18 N1 Page 40.pdf

Recommended Citation: Luce, T., (2020). Evolution of an IS Capstone Class. Information Systems Education Journal18(1) pp 40-47. ISSN : ISSN: 1545-679X. A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of EDSIGCON 2019