Information Systems Education Journal

Volume 15

V15 N6 Pages 56-61

June 2017

RateMyInformationSystemsProfessor: Exploring the factors that influence student ratings

Mark Sena
Xavier University
Cincinnati, OH 45207, USA

Elaine Crable
Xavier University
Cincinnati, OH 45207, USA

Abstract: Based on 820 entries on, we explore whether information systems course ratings differ from those in marketing or management courses, whether lower level course ratings differ from those in senior or graduate level courses, whether course ratings differ between genders, and whether perceived course difficulty impacts course ratings. Our findings did not reveal significant differences between information systems and other subjects. However we did find a substantial relationship between perceived course difficulty and overall course ratings. Rating differences between genders and across course levels was not found to be statistically significant given our sample size.

Keywords: student course evaluation, student assessment, Ratemyprofessor, Gender differences

Download this article: ISEDJ - V15 N6 Page 56.pdf

Recommended Citation: Sena, M., Crable, E. (2017). RateMyInformationSystemsProfessor: Exploring the factors that influence student ratings. Information Systems Education Journal, 15(6) pp 56-61. ISSN: 1545-679X. (A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of EDSIG 2016)