Volume 15
Abstract: In this paper we examine whether emotional intelligence (EI) can be taught online and, if so, what key variables influence the successful implementation of this online learning model. Using a 3 x 2 factorial quasi-experimental design, this mixed-methods study found that a team-based learning environment using a blended teaching approach, supported by mindfulness instruction to teach these skills, can make learning about emotional intelligence accessible and meaningful to undergraduate students. Using peer emotional intelligence assessment scores as a measure of emotional intelligence growth, the study showed a statistically significant impact on the growth of emotional intelligence skills from using a blended approach including direct instruction in mindfulness techniques. Supporting this finding, students clearly expressed a noticeable growth in their emotional intelligence and in that of their peers in interviews conducted at the end of the study. In light of these findings, we propose the RESET cycle model (Recognizing and regulating Emotions through Social and Emotional Team-based learning supported with mindfulness) as a potential foundation for a program to teach EI skills. Keywords: Career Readiness Skills, Emotional Intelligence, Mindfulness, Myers-Briggs, online learning, team-based learning Download this article: ISEDJ - V15 N1 Page 12.pdf Recommended Citation: Cotler, J. L., DiTursi, D., Goldstein, I., Yates, J., Del Belso, D. (2017). A mindful approach to teaching . Information Systems Education Journal, 15(1) pp 12-25. http://isedj.org/2017-15/ ISSN: 1545-679X. (A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of EDSIG 2016) |