Information Systems Education Journal

Volume 13

V13 N6 Pages 43-53

November 2015

Assessing Cyber-bullying in Higher Education

Ali Kamali
Missouri Western State University
St Joseph , MO 64507 , USA

Abstract: This project aims to expose information educators to various aspects of cyberbullying for the purpose of policy development in an environment of higher education. The preponderance of nation-wide research on cyberbullying is concentrated on adolescents; such efforts in college campuses are limited to individual endeavors. Cyberbullying research on college campuses lacks a unified definition of the concept. Although the states mandated most school districts to develop and enact some sort of policy, the law is silent on the college level cyberbullying. According to the literature, cyberbullying is reserved for adolescents; however, cyber-harassment or cyberstalking are related to adults. While cyberbullying shares with conventional bullying intimidation, aggression, and harm, it is unique because 1) the encounter is not face-to-face; 2) the perpetrator can employ varied means (e.g., cell-phones, texts, blogs, Internet, social media, etc.), and 3) the act can be undisclosed. The data was collected from a random sample of 511 students (out of a student population of approximately 6,000) in a Midwestern town by employing self-administered questionnaire. It was found that engagement with different social network groups and online communications with those with questionable identity are good predictor of increased vulnerability to the risks of being victimized. The data suggests being victimized leads to victimization. Although males differ from females in terms of the type and the extent of cyberbullying, no significant difference was found among the categories of student status or their class ranks.

Keywords: Assessment Strategies, cyberbullying, cyberharassment, cyberstalking, Information Technology, IT Policy

Download this article: ISEDJ - V13 N6 Page 43.pdf

Recommended Citation: Kamali , A. (2015). Assessing Cyber-bullying in Higher Education. Information Systems Education Journal, 13(6) pp 43-53. ISSN: 1545-679X. (A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of ISECON 2014)