Volume 9

V9 N6 Pages 4-10

November 2011

Using Business Analysis Software in a Business Intelligence Course

Juan Elizondo
St. Mary's University
San Antonio, TX 78228, USA

Monica Parzinger
St. Mary's University
San Antonio, TX 78228, USA

O. Jim Welch
St. Mary's University
San Antonio, TX 78228, USA

Abstract: This paper presents an example of a project used in an undergraduate business intelligence class which integrates concepts from statistics, marketing, and information systems disciplines. SAS Enterprise Miner software is used as the foundation for predictive analysis and data mining. The course culminates with a competition and the project is used to enhance communication and presentation skills.

Keywords: Business Intelligence, data analysis, Data Mining, experiential learning

Download this article: ISEDJ - V9 N6 Page 4.pdf

Recommended Citation: Elizondo, J., Parzinger, M., Welch, O. (2011). Using Business Analysis Software in a Business Intelligence Course. Information Systems Education Journal, 9(6) pp 4-10. http://isedj.org/2011-9/ ISSN: 1545-679X. (A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of ISECON 2010)