Volume 9

V9 N3 Pages 50-58

August 2011

Is there a Student ‘Disconnect?’ First-year Hybrid Class Teachers’ Observations and Recommendations for Improving Student Engagement in Information Systems Classes

Joan Barber Parris
University of North Alabama
Florence, AL 35632, USA

Jana Beaver
University of North Alabama
Florence, AL 35632, USA

David Nickels
University of North Alabama
Florence, AL 35632, USA

John Crabtree
University of North Alabama
Florence, AL 35632, USA

Abstract: Research shows that during times of economic downturn in the United States, education funding suffers. One method that higher education administrators are choosing to ease the economic crunch is to offer hybrid classes that blend one regular face-to-face class meeting with online and outside class components. The challenge of managing large numbers of students in hybrid classes while fostering student engagement can be monumental for higher education teachers. This article presents a discussion of observations and recommendations from the writers’ experiences as first-year hybrid class teachers within an information systems environment.

Keywords: blended classes, Distance learning, hybrid classes, information systems education, student engagement, team projects, Web facilitated courses

Download this article: ISEDJ - V9 N3 Page 50.pdf

Recommended Citation: Parris, J. B., Beaver, J., Nickels, D., Crabtree, J. (2011). Is there a Student ‘Disconnect?’ First-year Hybrid Class Teachers’ Observations and Recommendations for Improving Student Engagement in Information Systems Classes . Information Systems Education Journal, 9(3) pp 50-58. http://isedj.org/2011-9/ ISSN: 1545-679X. (A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of ISECON 2010)