Volume 2

Volume 2, Number 16

February 12, 2004

15 pages1091 K bytes

Decision Support System: A Study of Telework Initiatives

Bianca T. Gilyot
Southern University at New Orleans
New Orleans, LA 70126 USA

Wendy Zhang
Southeastern Louisiana University
Hammond, LA 70402 USA

Ghasem S. (David) Alijani
Southern University at New Orleans
New Orleans, LA 70126 USA

Dayanand Thangada
Southern University at New Orleans
New Orleans, LA 70126 USA

Abstract: Since the government pushed to expand and integrate the capabilities of the information superhighway, many government agencies have undergone extensive research to study the areas of technology. The concept of telecommuting has particularly become a recent area of focus for many Americans as a justifiable alternative to traditional working conditions. Despite many studies documenting the potential overall benefits to the working community, the telecommuting phenomenon’s initiative has not reached a national, mainstream level of success yet. This study examines why certain levels of isolated telecommuting success exists within the United States. Data obtained for this study came from journals, government websites, and magazine articles. This study also examines the extent or lack of effective implementation of telecommuting programs of several state governments in an attempt to rank the programs, according to the chosen criteria. The criteria look at how persuasively those initiatives are being sold to management and agencies in that state. This study has used Decision Support Systems to enhance the existing research on the factors of telecommuting. Further analysis will compare the state rankings according to the factors such as commuting challenges and economic factors. This study should attract interest to all strata of the business, educational, psychological, and legal communities, which attempt to research telecommuting’s purpose and scope.

Keywords: DSS, decision support system, telecommuting network, telecenter, distance learning

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Recommended Citation: Gilyot, Zhang, Alijani, and Thangada (2004). Decision Support System: A Study of Telework Initiatives. Information Systems Education Journal, 2 (16). http://isedj.org/2/16/. ISSN: 1545-679X. (A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of ISECON 2003: §2234. ISSN: 1542-7382.)