Volume 1

Volume 1, Number 48

December 27, 2003

10 pages639 K bytes

A Survey of Student Attitudes: Database Competition NCC 2003

Lissa F. Pollacia
Northwestern State University
Natchitoches, LA 71497

Pam Miller
Northwestern State University
Natchitoches, LA 71497

Claude Simpson
University of Texas Pan American
Edinburg, TX 78539

Nola McDaniel
McNeese State University
Lake Charles, LA 70609

Abstract: This paper describes the inaugural Database Design and Implementation contest that was held at the 2003 National Collegiate Conference (NCC), which is sponsored by the Association of Information Technology Professionals (AITP). The contest was divided into two major parts: a modeling component and an implementation component. Although the database competition was new for this year, the contest proved to be very popular, with over 80 teams from across the country competing. This paper will describe the contest and give the results of an exit survey administered to the contest participants. With this survey we gathered data concerning demographics of the participants, as well as data concerning the problem statement, such as the level of difficulty, amount of time available, clarity of instructions, and so forth. We will describe the database contest, present the results of the survey, and give some conclusions that can be drawn from those results.

Keywords: database competition, Access competition, contest, student attitudes

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Recommended Citation: Pollacia, Miller, Simpson, and McDaniel (2003). A Survey of Student Attitudes: Database Competition NCC 2003. Information Systems Education Journal, 1 (48). http://isedj.org/1/48/. ISSN: 1545-679X. (A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of ISECON 2003: §2113. ISSN: 1542-7382.)