Volume 1
Volume 1, Number 47 |
December 27, 2003 |
Abstract: This paper describes our plan to use a single business case scenario as a mechanism for integrating our undergraduate IT curriculum. Our proposal is to use an on-line course management tool, as well as an integrated CASE tool, as repositories to facilitate the conceptual and physical integration of courses in our undergraduate Information Technology major. The business case will serve as the basis for student deliverables throughout the courses. As a student progresses through the curriculum, deliverables from prerequisite courses will be available as inputs into subsequent courses. We will use the requirements of the capstone course to determine the scope and requirements of the business case. Then we will incorporate the case requirements into the objectives and deliverables of the preceding foundation courses.
Keywords: IT systems curriculum, business case study, course integration
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Recommended Citation: Hartzel, Spangler, Gal-Or, and Jones (2003). A Case-Based Approach to Integrating an Information Technology Curriculum. Information Systems Education Journal, 1 (47). http://isedj.org/1/47/. ISSN: 1545-679X. (A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of ISECON 2003: §2412. ISSN: 1542-7382.)