Volume 1
Volume 1, Number 33 |
December 27, 2003 |
Jonathan Lazar
Abstract: This paper describes a service-learning project in a graduate web usability class at Towson University. The focus of the service-learning project is on helping non-profit organizations in the Baltimore-Washington area make their web sites more accessible for people with disabilities, while providing real-world experiences for students. This paper provides a background on web accessibility, the methods used to implement service learning, and the outcomes. This project had a positive impact on both the students, who were able to apply their skills in the community, as well as the non-profit organizations, who were able to gain insights on how to make their web sites more accessible.
Keywords: usability, accessibility, service learning, community partnership, human-computer interaction, assistive technology, group projects
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Recommended Citation: Lazar (2003). Improving Web Accessibility Through Service-Learning Partnerships. Information Systems Education Journal, 1 (33). http://isedj.org/1/33/. ISSN: 1545-679X. (A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of ISECON 2003: §3411. ISSN: 1542-7382.)