Volume 1
Volume 1, Number 14 |
September 22, 2003 |
Paul H. Rosenthal
Abstract: The MSIS2000 Model Curriculum proposes two courses, MSIS2000.5 Policy and Strategy and MSIS2000.6 Integration, as capstones to the Master of Science in Information Systems (MSIS) degree program. A single masters degree capstone or culminating experience is normally taught to provide an integrative, synthesizing experience. The model curriculum also defines the scope of the capstone experience to include: What to Build (MSIS2000.6.1), How to Manage IS (MSIS2000.6.2), and How to Build It (MSIS2000.6.3). This paper contends that: MSIS2000.6.1 Integrating the Enterprise, is redundant with most of MSIS2000.5 IT Policy and Strategy; MSIS2000.6.2 Integrating the IS Function, includes most of MSIS2000.4 Project and Change Management; the CIO roles portion of MSIS2000.5; and the managerial portions of MSIS2000.2 Analysis, Modeling and Design; and MSIS2000.6.3 Integrating IS Technologies includes much of a technical course in Design and Development of IS Enterprise Architectures as well as most of MSIS2000.5 IT Policy and Strategy. This paper, therefore, proposes 1) minor revisions and expansion of the Policy and Strategy course to clearly define it as the Capstone course, and 2) changing the Integration Course(s) to emphasize Consulting, Planning, Design, Development and Management of IS Enterprise Application and Infrastructure Architectures.
Keywords: MSIS2000, capstone, information systems, model curriculum
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Recommended Citation: Rosenthal (2003). Strategy Course and Integration Course Redundancy in the MSIS2000 Model Curriculum. Information Systems Education Journal, 1 (14). http://isedj.org/1/14/. ISSN: 1545-679X. (A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of ISECON 2003: §2243. ISSN: 1542-7382.)