Volume 13
Abstract: Data Science courses are becoming more prevalent in recent years. Increasingly more universities are offering individual courses and majors in the field of Data Science. This study evaluates data science education as a means to become proficient in scientific literacy. The results demonstrate how the educational goals of a Data Science course meet the scientific literacy criteria in regards to the process of science. Based on the commonality between data science and scientific literacy courses, the paper concludes that a data science course can be used as an alternative way for students in any major to gain scientific literacy skills. Keywords: data science, Scientific Literacy, Scientific Process Download this article: ISEDJ - V13 N4 Page 64.pdf Recommended Citation: Ceccucci, W., Tamarkin, D., Jones, K. (2015). The Effectiveness of Data Science as a means to achieve Proficiency in Scientific Literacy. Information Systems Education Journal, 13(4) pp 64-70. http://isedj.org/2015-13/ ISSN: 1545-679X. (A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of ISECON 2014) |