Volume 13
Abstract: The Slushie World case study is designed to teach the basics of Microsoft Access and database management over a series of three 75-minute class sessions. Students are asked to build a basic database to track sales and inventory for a small business. Skills to be learned include table creation, data entry and importing, form and report design, switchboards, and numerous single and multiple table query designs. The resulting application is sufficient for students to identify a number of basic functions available to the small business, including order entry, sales reports, customer information, and more. The case is designed to be used in a course where the students have little or no prior relational database experience, such as an Introduction to MIS course. Keywords: Intro to MIS, Tutorial, Database Basics, Microsoft Access Download this article: ISEDJ - V13 N2 Page 8.pdf Recommended Citation: Wynn, D. E., Pratt, R. (2015). Slushie World: An In-Class Access Database Tutorial . Information Systems Education Journal, 13(2) pp 8-13. http://isedj.org/2015-13/ ISSN: 1545-679X. (A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of ISECON 2014) |