Volume 9

V9 N5 Pages 97-104

October 2011

Integrating ERP/SAP to Information Systems 2010 Curriculum: Design and Delivery

Ming Wang
California State University, Los Angeles
Los Angeles, CA 90032, USA

Abstract: The wide spread of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) technology has made information systems (IS) education shift the focus from applications development to enterprise software implementation and configuration. In order to meet the industrial trend, IS educators have made significant changes on IS cores and elective courses in the Information Systems (IS) 2010 Curriculum Guidelines. Thus, teaching the large and complex ERP software system appropriately has become an important issue in IS education. To meet the challenge, the author proposes a new framework of integrating ERP in multiple IS cores and elective courses based on the IS 2010 Curriculum Guidelines and her years of ERP research and teaching experiences. The proposed framework presents a comprehensive approach to teach ERP in the variety of IS undergraduate courses in the college of business. The paper specifies the course design, content, delivery, and teaching resources. SAP is utilized as an ERP software tool to illustrate how to teach ERP systems. The paper reviews and summarizes ERP teaching methods and concludes with ERP teaching techniques and suggestion. The purpose of the paper is to provide a guideline for those who seek to teach ERP technology in the undergraduate IS curriculum.

Keywords: Business Processes, Enterprise Resource Planning, ERP, IS Curriculum, SAP

Download this article: ISEDJ - V9 N5 Page 97.pdf

Recommended Citation: Wang, M. (2011). Integrating ERP/SAP to Information Systems 2010 Curriculum: Design and Delivery . Information Systems Education Journal, 9(5) pp 97-104. http://isedj.org/2011-9/ ISSN: 1545-679X.