Volume 8

Volume 8, Number 36

June 24, 2010

10 pages638 K bytes

A Modular Approach to Delivering an Introductory MIS Course

Gerald F. Braun
Xavier University
Cincinnati, Ohio 45207, USA

Elaine A. Crable
Xavier University
Cincinnati, Ohio 45207, USA

Mark P. Sena
Xavier University
Cincinnati, Ohio 45207, USA

Abstract: Today’s students find the traditional lecture-based teaching format less desirable and seem to prefer a more hands-on learning experience. Consequently, it has become necessary to redesign the introductory MIS course. This paper describes a new modular approach to delivering the introductory course. The primary focus is to provide students with multiple resources and hands-on projects, along with detailed learning objectives, in lieu of traditional PowerPoint lectures and reading assignments from a textbook. A pilot study was initiated to assess student perceptions of the learning experience with regard to the effectiveness and overall satisfaction with the new approach. A learning styles survey, along with a follow-up feedback survey, was distributed to 29 traditional and non-traditional students. Considering the small sample size, initial results were encouraging. However, an extended study to be carried out during the 2008-2009 school year, with more sections of the course, will hopefully confirm preliminary results and give further insight into the effectiveness of this approach.

Keywords: MIS Introductory Course, course redesign, learning styles, participative learning, exploratory learning, objectives-based learning

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Recommended Citation: Braun, Crable, and Sena (2010). A Modular Approach to Delivering an Introductory MIS Course. Information Systems Education Journal, 8 (36). http://isedj.org/8/36/. ISSN: 1545-679X. (A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of ISECON 2008: §3343. ISSN: 1542-7382.)