Information Systems Education Journal

Volume 3 - 2005 - Table of Contents

   3(1)    Weaving Experiences from Software Engineering Training in Industry into Mass University Education. Bleek, Lilienthal, and Schmolitzky
   3(2)   Systems Architecting of IS Support for Learning Organizations: The Scenario-Based Design Challenge in Human Activity Systems. Vat
   3(3)   Study Of Web Services Strategy In The Financial Services Industry, A. Lawler, et al
   3(4)   Use of Online Assessment Tools to Enhance Student Performance in Large Classes. Amoroso
   3(5)    Mobile, Agile, Versatile: The Use of Tablet PCs and Wireless Technology in Introductory Programming. McKeown
   3(6)    Building a Computer Program Grader. Colton, Fife, and Winters
   3(7)    System for Teaching MIS and MBA Students to Deploy a Scalable Database-driven Web Architecture for B2C E-Commerce, A. Yap and Loebbecke
   3(8)   Initial Experiences with a Capstone Approach to an Introductory IS Course (IS 2002.1) Schatzberg and Harris
   3(9)    Project-based Model for an Advanced Web Site Design and E-Commerce Course, A. Kovacs

Service Learning in Computer Information Systems: “Significant” Learning for Tomorrow’s Computer Professionals. Saulnier
   3(11)   Shift the Subject of System Analysis and Design from Construction to Acquisition. Wang and Wang
   3(12)   Crafting an Architect-focused MS Program in Information Technology. Chand
   3(13)    Pilot Studies Introducing Collaborative and Distance Learning Paradigms in a Residential Environment. Battig and Pangborn
   3(14)   Tools for Hybrid Instruction - Classroom and Distance Instruction in Synchronous and Asynchronous Modes. Sigle, Key, Critcher, and Prince
   3(15)    Operations Research and the Information Systems Curriculum. Pangborn
   3(16)   Do Students Receive Adequate Training in HCI Field? Gabriel
   3(17)   Comparative Analysis of Undergraduate Information Systems Curricula in Selected Business Schools, A. Ulema
   3(18)   Implementation of IS2002: BSCIS'04 - Bentley College, An. Waguespack
   3(19)   Teaching Soft Skills in a Systems Development Capstone Class. Russell, Russell, and Tastle

Longitudinal Study Comparing Undergraduate Student Performance in Traditional Courses to the Performance in Online Course Delivery, A. Ury
   3(21)   Campus-Wide Integrated Information System Implementation: A Case Study. Wee
   3(22)    Teaching Undergraduates IT Research in a NSF/DOE Sponsored Program. Winkler and Anderson
   3(23)   Teaching the Blind to Program Visually. Siegfried, Diakoniarakis, and Obianyo-Agu
   3(24)   Pros and Cons of Using a Comprehensive Final Case Project in a Database Management Systems Course: Marvin's Magnificent Magazine Publishing House, The. Lenox and Woratschek
   3(25)    Course Mentoring: Toward Achieving Consistency in the Curriculum. Dettori and Settle
   3(26)   Aligning IT Skills Training With Online Asynchronous Learning Multimedia Technologies. Hayashi, Chen, and Terase
   3(27)   Reconciling Principle and Practice in a LAN Course: A Simulation and Lab Mixed Approach. Li and Sambasivam
   3(28)    Before the Team Project: Cultivate a Community of Collaborators. LaBelle
   3(29)    Comparison of Teaching Java in a Computer Classroom / Traditional Classroom vs. Smart E-Classroom and its Effect on Critical Thinking: A Case Study. Thomas, Coppola, Braudy, and Thomas

Parallel Computing for IS Majors. Rufinus and Kortsarts
   3(31)   SMARTVIEW - An Intelligent Expert System Tool using JAVA and JESS Framework. Sambasivam and Davies
   3(32)   Innovative Technologies in a Systems Integration Curriculum: XML and Microsoft Visual Studio .NET. Peslak
   3(33)   IS Undergraduate Course Module on Quantum Key Distribution, An. Frank
   3(34)   Assessing the Effectiveness of Virtual Learning in a Graduate Course in Computer Information Systems. Abdullat and Terry
   3(35)   Macro Approach to Relational Database Modeling, A. Kline and Riggle
   3(36)   IS as a Foundational Discipline for Contemporary Business. McKenzie
   3(37)   Lessons Learned From Online vs. Paper-based Computer Information Students' Evaluation System. Liegle and McDonald
   3(38)   Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Form: Using Game Development and Web Services in an Emerging Technology Course, A. Connolly
   3(39)   Towards a WebCenter for Pedagogical Freeware Collaborative Review and Retrieval. Kim, Scher, and Turoff

Technology Adoption in E-Commerce Education: A Case Study. Yan and Fang
   3(41)   Mapping the National Security Agency's Information Assurance Certification 4012 to the IS Curriculum: The Air Force Education Example. Elder, Strouble, and Bouvin
   3(42)   Student-Professor Research Relationship: Examining IS Employer Skills Expectations Braun, Tesch, and Skeldon
   3(43)   Why C# and Why .NET in The Undergraduate Information Systems Curriculum. Raoufi and Maniotes
   3(44)   Cyber Terrorism: A Clear and Present Danger to Civilized Society? Jain
   3(45)   Outsourcing? Offshore? Students Need to Know. Lopez
   3(46)    Object Oriented Analysis and Design: Do We Need More UML in the Classroom? McCarthy, White, and Grossman