Volume 11

V11 N5 Pages 10-15

October 2013

Teaching Case

A Case for Calculating Innovation Score:
Comparison between Apple, Inc. and Microsoft, Corp.

Ehi E Aimiuwu
Morgan State University
Baltimore, MD 21251, USA

Abstract: This case study is about measuring the innovation score of a firm and comparing it against a competitor within a particular industry nationally. It is meant to motivate students who are interested in how business intelligence dashboards can be used to measure innovation of firms. The case study is for students who are taking a class in business innovation, measuring business productivity, and business intelligence. Students should have studied the importance of innovation in business performance, as well as the strategies, tools, and roles of business intelligence before reading this case.

Keywords: Business Intelligence, innovation score, social media, Web 2.0

Download this article: ISEDJ - V11 N5 Page 10.pdf

Recommended Citation: Aimiuwu, E. E. (2013). A Case for Calculating Innovation Score: Comparison between Apple, Inc. and Microsoft, Corp. . Information Systems Education Journal, 11(5) pp 10-15. http://isedj.org/2013-11/ ISSN: 1545-679X. (A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of ISECON 2012)