Volume 11

V11 N3 Pages 52-78

June 2013

Cyberbullying Presence, Extent, and Forms in a Midwestern Post-secondary Institution

Julie Smith
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA

Jiyoon Yoon
University of Texas Arlington
Arlington, TX 76019, USA

Abstract: This research study was an investigative inquiry as to the forms and characteristics of cyberbullying present in a midwestern post-secondary educational institution during the 2011-2012 academic year. Cyberbullying incidents have increased in educational situations bringing new ethical and legal issues to light; however, most of the research has focused on secondary education. Cyberbullying in this post-secondary institutional study was defined in this research as repeated use of technology to threaten or harass. Researchers utilized an online survey and interview methodology to gather cyberbullying data and information. The survey sought information from a randomly selected group of students (n=16,983) enrolled at any of the university’s campuses, inclusive of undergraduate, graduate, and continuing education students, where 276 students participated. Through the survey invitation, a voluntary interview was also requested where nine students were interviewed. Results included confirmation that cyberbulling incidents did occur to and by college students as well as instructors at this institution. The majority of both survey and interview participants did not think it a problem at the university level, but this issue is more serious and prevalent in secondary schooling. Those experiencing cyberbullying as a university student, however, reported moderate to extremely serious effects in their life and learning which included physical endangerment. The researchers have advised more research into this topic. Additionally, while conducting this study, this institution has adopted cyberbullying language in their 2012 student conduct code to try to address the cyberbullying phenomenon.

Keywords: cyberbullying, Distance Education, Higher Education, Mobile Devices, online learning, Social Networking

Download this article: ISEDJ - V11 N3 Page 52.pdf

Recommended Citation: Smith, J., Yoon, J. (2013). Cyberbullying Presence, Extent, and Forms in a Midwestern Post-secondary Institution . Information Systems Education Journal, 11(3) pp 52-78. http://isedj.org/2013-11/ ISSN: 1545-679X. (A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of ISECON 2012)