Information Systems Education Journal


V18 N6 Pages 38-45

Dec 2020

The impact of an interactive textbook in a beginning programming course

Joni Adkins
Northwest Missouri State University
Marysville, MO USA

Diana Linville
Northwest Missouri State University
Marysville, MO USA

Charles Badami
Northwest Missouri State University
Marysville, MO USA

Abstract: Online textbooks allow instructors to provide interactive and engaging activities for students. In this paper, we look at how providing an interactive online textbook is utilized and valued in a beginning computer programming course. In addition, we compare the utilization of the online textbook to the student final course grade. Our findings suggest that students would rather use an online textbook and the level of engagement in the online textbook activities was positively related to a student’s final course grade. These findings encourage us to continue evolving and improving the interactive features provided in the online textbook.

Download this article: ISEDJ - V18 N6 Page 38.pdf

Recommended Citation: Adkins, J., Linville, D., Badami, C., (2020). The impact of an interactive textbook in a beginning programming course. Information Systems Education Journal18(6) pp 38-45. ISSN : ISSN: 1545-679X. A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of EDSIGCON 2019