Abstract: This study presents a contextual active learning perspective on how a healthcare data analytics course was designed and delivered to students enrolled in a graduate business analytics degree. Industry and academia emphasizes the need to integrate context-specific learning, however contextual analytics courses are not widely offered in business schools. This course’s pedagogical approach seeks to address this need by embracing a contextual active approach. Such approach is based on the following key components: (1) Active learning – designing each module of the course to include activities and lessons to promote active participation of learners, (2) contextual development – modules are developed using healthcare as the focus and context for all activities, (3) online adaptation – the course is delivered online in an unsynchronized mode and therefore the development adapts to online delivery intended to maximize learning. This course integrates a collaborative project with a healthcare industry partner where students analyze anonymized dataset for the purpose of a more contextual and experiential healthcare experience. Download this article: ISEDJ - V18 N5 Page 4.pdf Recommended Citation: Parks, R., (2020). A Pedagogic Experience in Designing a Healthcare Analytics Course: A Contextual Active Learning Approach. Information Systems Education Journal18(5) pp 4-15. http://ISEDJ.org/2020-5/ ISSN : ISSN: 1545-679X. A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of EDSIGCON 2019 |