Volume 17
Abstract: Data analytical skills are essential to compete in today's competitive economy. The ability to understand, use, codify, and manipulate data to make business decisions is an essential factor of information competence. One way to ensure that students are well-prepared in terms of their technological literacy is through the use of certifications into course offerings. This paper details the process of providing the Microsoft Office Specialist Excel Core Certification Exam to students in our Computer Information Systems program. We discuss how we integrated the certificate program into our curriculum, the necessary pedagogical changes, and technologies used. We also review our successes, pitfalls, and results. Keywords: Certification, Microsoft Excel, analytical skills, Pedagogy, GMetrix SMS Download this article: ISEDJ - V17 N6 Page 4.pdf Recommended Citation: Bakir, N., Dana, K., Abdullat, A. (2019). Certifying Business Students in Microsoft Office Specialist Certification Excel Core Exam: Lessons Learned. Information Systems Education Journal, 17(6) pp 4-11. http://isedj.org/2019-17/ ISSN: 1545-679X. (A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of EDSIGCON 2018) |