Volume 17
Abstract: This case study describes an alternative process-focused approach to a group project assignment in an undergraduate Systems Analysis and Design (SAD) course. This approach more closely reflects the incremental and iterative nature of Information Systems Development Projects (ISDP) through expanded scope, modified instructions, and reallocation of class time. This approach enables students to select their own real-world ISDP and apply a wider breadth of course concepts in that context, while gaining experience in critical thinking and decision making within a group setting. Keywords: Systems analysis & design, group project based learning, process-focused project Download this article: ISEDJ - V17 N6 Page 30.pdf Recommended Citation: Mukherjee, A., Bleakney, S. (2019). Process-Focused Approach to a Systems Analysis & Design Group Project . Information Systems Education Journal, 17(6) pp 30-40. http://isedj.org/2019-17/ ISSN: 1545-679X. (A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of EDSIGCON 2018) |