Information Systems Education Journal

Volume 17

V17 N2 Pages 12-19

April 2019

Closing the Deal amidst Falling Customer Satisfaction

Biswadip Ghosh
Metropolitan State University of Denver
Denver, CO 80217, USA

Abstract: The board of Fiserv (an investment management company) has already decided to close the business no matter what. Agile Financials has agreed to buyout Fiserv and retain part of the Fiserv staff if the purchase deal closes. However, if too many of Fiserv’s clients left with their accounts or if the customer satisfaction index (CSI) continued to fall, the sale of Fiserv to Agile Financials would break apart. Should the deal break apart, everyone at Fiserv would be out of a job and clients would be left high and dry. Could a new CRM system be the answer to retain clients and raise customer satisfaction during the interim period as the buyout deal closes? This case places the reader in the shoes of the Fiserv’s CIO, Mark Bennett, who has to decide and justify, if a new CRM system is necessary to address falling customer satisfaction. After this decision, the next challenge is to implement the CRM (or any alternative system) to help Fiserv retain the maximum number of its clients and achieve the stipulated level of customer satisfaction as the acquisition is completed. Business process reengineering and employee training are crucial when companies implement new mission critical enterprise systems like CRM. If the implementation forces a third order of change, then major challenges could be faced. Fiserv’s resources are very limited before the acquisition deal is completed and it might be better in the short term to limit the project scope to a first order change.

Keywords: Enterprise systems, Information systems management, IT project management, Systems analysis & design

Download this article: ISEDJ - V17 N2 Page 12.pdf

Recommended Citation: Ghosh, B. (2019). Closing the Deal amidst Falling Customer Satisfaction . Information Systems Education Journal, 17(2) pp 12-19. ISSN: 1545-679X. (A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of EDSIGCON 2018)