Volume 15
Abstract: Many entrepreneurs and small business owners lack disaster recovery plans, which minimize business disruptions caused by failures of critical technical systems. Typically, technology is not the main focus for a small business owner, as most of their time is spent focused on business operations. This case study demonstrates that when a business fails to plan for technological disasters, it can have severe consequences for the business. In this case, an ambitious and experienced entrepreneur opens a large self-storage facility. The technical systems, which support mission critical elements of the business, were compromised by a power surge and subsequent outage as the result of a major electrical storm. Part 1 of the case establishes the context as well as the events that led to the failure of critical business systems. Part 2 details how the business recovers from the disaster and the steps necessary to prevent something similar from happening in the future. At the end of the case, the reader will find discussion questions and suggested lab activities that will help students understand the importance of a disaster recovery plan. In addition, students are encouraged to consider implementing a plan to protect their personal data. This case complements the model curriculum objectives in IS 2010.1 and IS 2010.7. Keywords: Disaster Recovery Plan, Business Continuity, System Backup Download this article: ISEDJ - V15 N2 Page 13.pdf Recommended Citation: Rossmiller, Z., Lawrence, C., Clouse, S. F., Looney, C. (2017). Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks: Disaster Recovery in a Small Business Context. Information Systems Education Journal, 15(2) pp 13-19. http://isedj.org/2017-15/ ISSN: 1545-679X. (A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of EDSIG 2016) |