Volume 13
Abstract: Individuals have increasing options on retrieving information related to hardware and software. Specific hardware devices include desktops, tablets and smart devices. Also, the number of software applications has significantly increased the user’s capability to access data. Software applications include the traditional web site, smart device applications and web pages that emulate apps on mobile devices. The importance of high user satisfaction is critical as users will switch quickly to other devices or sources for their information needs. To assist in developing high impact and positive user satisfaction are the theories from the field of study known as Human Computer Interaction (HCI). This research summarizes several of the key theories from HCI and recommends the placement of learning modules related to HCI in current software development courses as well as a proposing an updated standalone HCI course into MIS and CIS curriculums. Keywords: HCI, IT Model Curriculum, human computer interaction, software development, MIS Model Curriculum Download this article: ISEDJ - V13 N3 Page 81.pdf Recommended Citation: Janicki, T., Cummings, J., Healy, R. (2015). Incorporating a Human-Computer Interaction Course into Software Development Curriculums. Information Systems Education Journal, 13(3) pp 81-98. http://isedj.org/2015-13/ ISSN: 1545-679X. (A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of ISECON 2014) |