Volume 13
Abstract: Most freshmen taking required, introductory information systems courses do not understand why they are required to take such courses and can’t imagine that they will learn anything they don’t already know. This paper presents an exercise that will excite and enthuse students about their computers and Information Systems in general. Every freshman is familiar with wireless network connections having used them with both their computers and their phones. The setup of those wireless networks however is somewhat of a mystery and considered far too complex to deal with by most students. This paper outlines a strategy for demystifying the technology and involving students in hands-on learning. By actually setting up a wireless router students gain confidence in their computer skills and become interested in learning more about information systems. This paper describes the process used to gain their interest and includes a handbook that can be used with students everywhere. Keywords: wireless, networks, routers, TCP/IP, introductory course Download this article: ISEDJ - V13 N3 Page 53.pdf Recommended Citation: VanderClock, W. (2015). Empowering Freshmen with Technology Skills: Wireless Routers. Information Systems Education Journal, 13(3) pp 53-80. http://isedj.org/2015-13/ ISSN: 1545-679X. (A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of ISECON 2014) |