Volume 13
Abstract: All Computer Information Systems programs require a database course for their majors. This paper describes an approach to such a course in which real world examples, both design projects and actual database application projects are incorporated throughout the semester. Students are expected to apply the traditional database concepts to actual database storage problems. The design of the database is emphasized and students evaluate each other’s design as well as their final database project. The details of a database written by the Author to organize all information surrounding the student’s project are also presented. In this course database, the students are able to follow the progress of their fellow students during the course. Student’s evaluations of each other’s work during the semester is shown to be beneficial in the learning process. Keywords: Database first course, Real world projects, Database project Download this article: ISEDJ - V13 N3 Page 24.pdf Recommended Citation: Baugh, J. (2015). First Database Course – Keeping it all Organized. Information Systems Education Journal, 13(3) pp 24-33. http://isedj.org/2015-13/ ISSN: 1545-679X. (A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of ISECON 2014) |