Information Systems Education Journal

Volume 13

V13 N2 Pages 21-25

March 2015

Teaching Case

USMCo Payroll System

Katrina Cohill
Miami University
Oxford, OH 45056 , USA

Danielle Dudley
Miami University
Oxford, OH 45056 , USA

Jason Gregg
Miami University
Oxford, OH 45056 , USA

Elizabeth Millette
Miami University
Oxford, OH 45056 , USA

Adam Zinnecker
Miami University
Oxford, OH 45056 , USA

Douglas Havelka
Miami University
Oxford, OH 45056 , USA

Abstract: The General Manager, Steve Gunderson, is currently charged with leading the decision on whether to outsource the payroll function of the USMCo (UltraSonic Machining Co) organization or to purchase a system and hire a full-time, experienced payroll staff member to manage the details of payroll for the company. There are differing opinions of stakeholders in the business units, and a staff member could lose their job. The objective USMCo is trying to meet is to have a payroll system that works correctly, minimize risk of entering wrong information, reduce the costs of running the payroll processes, and provide more time to the current HR staff for their more impending duties. Financial services and HR have differing views on the solution based on their desired outcome and needs. Steve has the goal of streamlining processes and making sense of the business objectives.

Keywords: IT strategy, Teaching Case, Outsourcing

Download this article: ISEDJ - V13 N2 Page 21.pdf

Recommended Citation: Cohill, K., Dudley, D., Gregg, J., Millette, E., Zinnecker, A., Havelka, D. (2015). USMCo Payroll System. Information Systems Education Journal, 13(2) pp 21-25. ISSN: 1545-679X. (A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of ISECON 2014)